Seven Sorrows

Visual Art & Research Project

The Virgin Mary has changed over time to fit the demands of womanhood and divinity, across cultural division and destruction, and through perennial changes in the role of faith.

I wanted to show a dimensional representation of the icon through physically complicating an image. I produced a series of seven layered prints. Each processed image varies in material and translucency. The number seven references the “seven sorrows” that Mary experienced - greatest of all, witnessing the crucifixion of her son. This pain is often visualized as a flaming heart pierced with seven swords.

1. Pencil, tracing paper

2. Velum, ink

3. Watercolor

4. Packing tape, velum

5. Adhesive (transfer), acrylic

6. Scanned image, velum, acrylic, ink

7. Packing tape (transfer) ink, watercolor, gold leaf