American Emptiness

Exhibition Curation and Identity

December 2018 - Coursework

The desert represents lonesomeness, human smallness, mystery, the exploration of the expansive - the empty. I was interested in exploring the relationship artists have - specifically those who came from cities and moved West - with this perennial source of inspiration through an exhibition. 

The exhibition features work from artists like Georgia O’Keefe, Agnes Martin, Noah Purifoy and Edward Hopper. American artists who capture or respond to the atmospheric conditions of the West in two and three dimensions.

The deliverables for this project were numerous. I began by getting a sense of the space where the exhibit would be hypothetically set. Then I selected the art and artists I wanted to feature, and designed a logical progression through the work.

I built a model at a 1/4th” to 1’ scale and planned the elevations with artwork and didactic panels to scale.

The final step was designing a pitch to include a discussion of all the decisions that led up to the final design including:

  • A plan of each wall in the gallery

  • A typographic system printed to scale

  • A walkthrough of the model and flow diagram

  • And renderings of the space

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