
For this project I put the massive monthly datasets distributed by Citi and CitiBike into the data analytics and visualization software Tableau. We were tasked with finding a story in the data and I started organizing by birth year initially just to get some clear temporal references and noticed almost immediately that across all my worksheets there was an outlier around the year 1969. Anomolies kept appearing for those with a recorded birth year of 1969 - exactly 50 years before the data was collected.

[The green line that vertically down the poster highlights the data anomalies around the year 1969 on each chart/graph]

Through working with this data I’ve come up with a hunch that the anomaly present around the year 1969 must have to do with some kind of default data entry as it corresponds with a lack of data on gender (and is exactly 50 years before this). If I were to move forward with this project, I would compare several years of CitiBike data to see if this 50-year anomaly continues - if 2018’s data shows outliers about the birth year 1968 and so on.

[Looking back on this in 2021 there are some glaring layout issues in the poster but the actual data investigation process was very fun}